Company registration in Cyprus

Leopold von Gauss Limited offers comprehensive services for Cyprus Company Formation, catering to a diverse range of purposes and providing a tax-efficient avenue for international business operations. With the Cyprus legal system rooted in UK Common Law principles and aligned with EU regulations, forming a company in Cyprus presents numerous advantages. Let’s delve into the benefits and requirements associated with Cyprus Company Formation:

Benefits of Cyprus Company Formation:

  • Attractive Tax Environment: Cyprus boasts one of the lowest corporate tax rates in Europe, set at 12.5%. Moreover, there are full tax exemptions on profits from dividends received abroad or from permanent establishments in other countries. Cyprus also has numerous double taxation treaties with over 50 countries, including Russia, China, the US, and the UK.
  • Confidentiality : Cyprus companies offer foreign shareholders asset protection and confidentiality through fiduciary or nominee services.
  • Simplicity of Cyprus Company Registration: Companies can be incorporated within 10 working days with 100% foreign ownership, and the physical presence of the beneficial owner in Cyprus is not required. All procedures can be completed remotely, via email and couriers.
  • Reputation and International Markets: Cyprus companies enjoy a favorable reputation and allow business owners to conduct legitimate operations within Europe and internationally.

Requirements for Incorporation:

  • Shareholder: Cyprus law mandates at least one shareholder, who can be a physical person or a legal entity.
  • Secretary: Every Cyprus company must have a secretary, whose duties are determined by the directors.
  • Director: At least one director is required for a Cyprus company, with the majority of directors needing to be residents of Cyprus for tax residency purposes.
  • Registered Office Address: A registered office address is necessary for official communication with authorities. Our firm offers solutions for both registered office and business addresses.

Procedure of Incorporation:

  1. Provision of Information & Relevant Documents: Clients must provide up to three alternative business names, determine the main activities of the company, and complete KYC forms. Verified copies of relevant documents, such as passports, proof of residency, and CVs, are also required.
  2. Submission of Documents: Once all information is collected, we submit the necessary documentation to the Registrar of Cyprus Companies.
  3. Completion: Upon examination of the documentation, the Registrar provides incorporation of the company, along with the necessary certificates.

By choosing Leopold von Gauss Limited for Cyprus Company Formation, clients can benefit from our expertise, efficiency, and commitment to ensuring a smooth and compliant process. Contact us today to embark on your Cyprus company formation journey.